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Since its inception in 1986, Vecchi e Finotti Advogados Associados has specialized in developing legal practices in the areas of consultancy, preventive and litigious advocacy tailored to the Business area.

Supported by a team of experienced and highly qualified lawyers, Vecchi e Finotti Advogados Associados offers personalized and superior services, based on personal attention and direct rapport between the partners and clients. The firm’s top priority is the quality of the jobs undertaken, accomplished by adding special techniques in order to attain the rapid response needed in of today’s globalized markets.

The results Vecchi e Finotti Advogados Associados has achieved throughout the past 36 years are based on its permanent compromise with excellence and the strong commitment to its clients, which is considered the base on which lies the Firm’s position amongst the Legal and Entrepreneurial communities.

In order to achieve the client’s goals and priorities, the Firm emphasizes the ease of communication between its counselors and clients, which triggers and fuels the creation of innovative solutions.

The most valuable assets of Vecchi e Finotti Advogados Associados are the talents of its lawyers and its long-standing client relationships.

Vecchi & Finotti © 2011 - All rights reserved.